Friday, June 26, 2009

A letter from our Producer, to her friends, family, and other community members.

Written by President & Producer Kate Eovino, originally posted to her friends on Facebook:

Okay. So. By now you've all heard at least a little about the show I'm working on - "Matawan Legends." It's a variety/talent show featuring all alumni from my high school's theater program; people who span 40 class years, the entire continent, and practically every industry there is. I have been trying to start the alumni association for years; it is a dream come true for this to be happening. I have worked my ass off for the last 9 months to make this show happen. I have literally bled for this show, not slept for days at a time, contacted hundreds of alumni & community members... This show means the absolute world to me and you should come see it.

But don't come just because of me. Or because of all the other absolutely incredibly amazing people that are involved. Come because all of the proceeds from the show go to the program that made me who I am today, the program that I jumped at the chance to work for when they came to me in need, the program that has helped thousands of kids not only get and stay out of trouble but flourish and go on to do amazing things, none of which would have happened without it.

Think about your high school experience. Think about that one club, that one class, that one teacher, whatever it was that changed your life in profound ways that you are still only just beginning to understand. That's what this is for me. No matter where I am in my life, whatever situations I end up in, I always find myself thinking back to my time in this theater and the lessons I learned there. And now its my chance to give back. Please help me.

8pm June 27th (*this* Saturday) at Matawan High School. Spread the word. Tell your friends - even if you can't make it, maybe you know someone that can! If you're in it - make sure you've invited everyone you can!

These kids need our help - our physical presence - to show the district and the community once and for all that the arts, and this program in particular, are not something that we will just let die through slow excruciating budget cuts and community apathy.

Plus its going to be a f*cking awesome show.

I truly hope to see you on Saturday. Thanks for listening.
::gets off soapbox::

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